Poodle Dog Breeding Poodle Megara Attiki - Maltese Dog Breeding Megara Attica

Poodle Dog Breeding Poodle Megara Attiki - Maltese Dog Breeding Megara Attica

166785 Visitors:
Address: Megara
Area: Attica
Telephone: 6975965006
Mobile: -
P.C.: 19100
Category: ANIMALS
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
We welcome you to a model dog breeding center for caniche poodle and maltese in Megara, Attica, led by Gaspari Athena - Panagiota. With great experience in the poodle and Maltese breeds, we undertake with care and responsibility the breeding of dogs based on the positive development of each breed and taking into account all their peculiarities. Our goal is the breeding of healthy puppies and their legal adoption by people who will love and care for them to the fullest, taking into account ...
166785 Visitors:

Megara, Attica

166785 Visitors:

We welcome you to a model dog breeding center for caniche poodle and maltese in Megara, Attica, led by Gaspari Athena - Panagiota.

With great experience in the poodle and Maltese breeds, we undertake with care and responsibility the breeding of dogs based on the positive development of each breed and taking into account all their peculiarities.

Our goal is the breeding of healthy puppies and their legal adoption by people who will love and care for them to the fullest, taking into account our advice on their proper development and upbringing.

Contact us. We are at your disposal for any information.


Caniche poodle dog breeding
Maltese dog breeding
166785 Visitors:


Telephone: 6975965006

Working Hours
